Monday, October 27, 2014

Telaga Warna Puncak

" Telaga Warna Lake "

    WHAT nature enthusiast? Come North Tugu village, District Cisarua, Bogor Regency, then you will find a beautiful attraction, cool, and natural. His name Natural Park (TWA) Telaga Warna "Colour Lake". 
     Located at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level (asl), Telaga Warna is a pond / lake flanked by a hill which limits the Bogor Regency Cianjur Regency. The extent tolerable, about 1.5 acres, and surrounded the status of tropical forest conservation forest alias protected forest that is rich in big trees, shrubs, and wild animals. That's why the name of this location TWA Telaga Warna "Colour Lake". 
     A number of tourists who met Bogor Express at tourist sites generally say, they are happy to be a field trip to one of the leading tourist locations in the Peak area, because in addition to scenic, what is presented TWA Telaga Warna or lake color makes them feel refreshed after for days, even weeks and months, busy with routine work is relentless. 
     Because it is in a conservation forest environment, what's in the TWA Telaga Warna are well preserved, including the growth and proliferation of wild animals. So, if you're lucky, when you traveled to this location you will see monkeys Javan (Presbytis aygula), long-tailed monkey / ape gray (Macaca fascicularis) or monkey (prebytis cristata) hanging from one tree to another. Or you will see a leopard (Panthera tigris) and wild boar (sus Serova) being slipped from one thicket to thicket to another, or just see Javanese eagle in flight splitting the sky. 

Telaga Warna Nature Exotic Puncak in Bogor 
     The total area of ​​TWA Telaga Warna region was 6.5 hectares, consists of 5 hectares and 1.5 hectares of conservation lake. These tourist sites under the auspices of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Bandung. Before you set as TWA, in 1927 by the government of the region defined as the first nature reserve forest area of Mount Mega Overcast and Ciawi. Then, in 1954, set to a Nature Reserve Colour Lake. Determination of this location as a TWA began when in 1981 Telaga Warna Nature Reserve area status was changed to natural tourism area (KWA) and later became TWA. 
     However, do not be disappointed. Although the location of this tour called TWA lake color, but the water is not at all colored telaganya same alias with water in general; clear and crisp. Then why is called Lake Colors? Dikdik Supaman, Bandung BKSDA officer, has the answer. 
He said, Telaga Warna ditumbuni hill surrounded with various plants and trees with stems, leaves and colorful flowers. Due to being on the edge of the lake, plants and trees that bounces on the water surface of the lake, so that it looks like water color by color of trees and plants that bounce. 

     "Well, it is sometimes misinterpreted reflections of visitors, because they thought the colors of trees and plants that are the color of the lake water. So this lake became known as Telaga Warna, "he explained. If you want to enjoy the beauty of this lake, take a boat or rubber raft is provided to surround him. Every single boat can accommodate 5-7 people. 

Telaga Warna Nature Exotic Puncak in Bogor 
     To be able to explore the forest conservation, you can do so in various ways, including by jogging along a track made ​​almost 1km through the woods around the lake. Even if you're brave, you can float above the lake with the game flying fox. The price of admission to the TWA lake color is very cheap, only Rp 2,000 / person. 
     "But be careful with your food supplies or, for long-tailed monkeys often come down from the forest and the pleasure of taking food brought visitors," Nur Hidayat, an officer of TWA lake color, reminiscent. 
     There are restrictions that should not be violated by the visitors TWA lake color if they want to stay safe and comfortable when traveling. What is it? "Do not take animals, plants or fish in the lake for the sake of preserving our forests" said Nur Hidayat. 
     Well, you are interested to come to the TWA lake color? Bogor express recommend, if you want to get maximum pleasure when traveling to this location, come in the morning, because in addition to the atmosphere at the TWA is still cold, and the air was really fresh. In addition, when the morning sun rays touch the surface of the lake water, the light flicker effect, such as diamonds or pearls kemerlap under the bright light. It's beautiful. Especially because at the same time, forest birds singing bersahut-replication while perched on the branches of trees. 
     To get this sensation, if your home is very far from TWA lake color, you can stay at the hotel first scattered along the peak. After that, before sunrise, immediately rushed to the TWA, and enjoy the one experience that you've probably never experienced before. Or you can also spend the night in the TWA by sleeping in tents provided by the manager. 

Various myths 
     Like many locations in Indonesia, Lake Colors supposedly also has a story of myth. According to stories circulating in the community around Lake Colors, on the lake there is a pair of fish named Si and Si Tihul Earrings. For anyone who can see the appearance of this fish, then all the ideals and wishes will come true. 
"But that's just a myth, does not have to be true, 'said Nur Hidayat. 
Another myth is that anyone bathing in Lake Colors will lightly mate, a lot of luck, and younger, provided that after showering, underwear left. So, do not be surprised if you're into TWA Colour Lake, you will find so many panties and bras hanging from the branches of trees as the myth it is believed many people, including people from outside Bogor, so many visitors TWA lake color that did not come to enjoy the panoramic beauty and cool air, but to undergo a ritual bath in telaganya. And more wretched, long-tailed monkeys who like to "grab" food diners, also interested in the underwear of the visitors who left after a ritual bath. However, as the underwear-underwear was not edible, they throw it again, and lodged in the branches of trees. 
     Tedja Cahya Kusuma, environmentalists Peak area, explains, before a tourist attraction, Lake Colors is one of the dirtiest pond in Bogor since the lake was full of overgrown aquatic plants that grow wild. 
     "By the TWA workers, lake cleaned up to be seelok today," he said. 
If you have traveled on TWA satisfied and wanted to go home, come first in the stalls vending souvenirs and souvenir near the entrance. Here you can buy fresh vegetables at a low price, fruits, and various handicrafts. 

     One thing potential visitors sometimes complained of TWA lake color is difficult to find the entrance because of the location of this tour is about 300 meters from the edge of the Peak Highway. For visitors who drive, the main entrance through the portal at the top of Restaurant Melrimba. There was a guard who will give a ticket to the tourist area. After that down the cobblestone streets for about 5-10 minutes. After that the vehicle can be parked in the parking area at a cost of Rp7,500 lake color for four-wheeled vehicles, aka the car. 
So far visitors TWA dominated Telaga Warna and domestic tourists from the Middle East. 


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