Thursday, October 30, 2014

Taman Bunga Nusantara

     Taman Bunga Nusantara is a tourist attraction of the park is located at KM 7 Jalan Desa Kawungluwuk Mariwati District of Sukaresmi - Cianjur, West Java. For those of you who like various kinds of flowers then visit Taman Bunga Nusantara in Bogor, West Java. In this complete super flower garden visitors will witness the various flower beds varieties imported from different countries. In the wide area planted many varieties of flowers from Australia, the countries of Asia, Africa and South America. In it there is also a display of bedding with an area of ​​about 50,000 square meters.

Taman Bunga Nusantara
  Pandu Tourism
Road to the Flower Garden Using personal vehicle
From Bandung to Taman Bunga Nusantara
Bandung to the Pasteur Toll Gate - entrance Toll Purbaleunyi (Cipularang) - Exit at Padalarang - past the last Rajamandala Ciranjang - enter Cianjur - Cugenang - Cipanas - Arriving at the location of Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Cawang to Taman Bunga Nusantara
Es - through Mayjend. Sutoyo- Jagorawi entry - exit at Gandok Peak - Cisarua - Puncak- Cipanas - until at Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Grogol to Taman Bunga Nusantara
Grogol - S. Parman - Urban Toll gate entry - Urban Toll - Cawang Interchange - then Jagorawi - out in Gandok Peak - Cisarua - Peak Cipanas - Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Monument to Taman Bunga Nusantara
Monument to Medan Merdeka Barat - MH. Thamrin - HI Roundabout - Sudirman - Semanggi - Gatot Subroto - Urban Toll - Cawang Interchange - Toll enter Jagorawi- out in Gandok Peak - Kingdom Cisarua - Cisarua - Peak - Cipanas - the location of Taman Bunga Nusantara.

Transportation / Public transport to tman Bunga Nusantara
From Jakarta Through Airport
From Soekarno - Hatta and Halim Perdanakusumah use Damri Bogor majoring then ask off at Terminal Baranangsiang Bogor. Followed by rose elf Department Bogor - then get off at Market Cianjur Cipanas. From Cipanas forwarded to ride public transportation Cipanas majors - Mariwati and get off at Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Jakarta Through Station
Jatinegara Station, Pasar Senen Station and Tanah Abang Station. Up KRL majors fell in Bogor Bogor Station. out station continued to ride public transportation Bubulak green 03 majors - Baranangsiang off at Terminal Baranangsiang Bogor. Continued rise elf majors Bogor - Cianjur and ask to get off at Market Cipanas. From there, continue to ride public transportation in Cipanas - Mariwati that will take us to the location of Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Jakarta via Terminal Bus
From Terminal Kalideres bus ride Kalideres - Sukabumi down at the intersection Jagorawi - Ciawi. From there continue to rise elf Bogor - Cianjur ask to get off at Market Cipanas. From then ride public transportation Cipanas Cipanas majors - Mariwati then down at the location of Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Kampung Rambutan Terminal. Using Kampung Rambutan bus - Cianjur (Marita, Parung Beautiful) later fell in Cipanas market. Furthermore Cipanas ride public transportation - and get off at the location Mariwati Flower Garden.
From Terminal Lebak Bulus bus ride majors Lebak Bulus - Sukabumi (Parung Beautiful) down at the intersection Jagorawi-Ciawi. Continue with the Bogor-Cianjur elves ride / bus Jakarta-Puncak-Bandung or Garut and Tasik department and ask scaled in Cipanas market. Then ride public transportation Cipanas - Mariwati up in Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Bandung to Taman Bunga Nusantara
Through Leuwipanjang Terminal, take a bus majors Bogor / Kampung Rambutan / Peacock via Peak ya do samapai wrong. Later down in Cipanas market. Then ride public transportation Cipanas - Mariwati down in Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Bekasi to Taman Bunga Nusantara
From Terminal Bekasi Bekasi bus ride majors - Sukabumi, then down at the intersection Jagorawi - Ciawi. From there continue riding elf Bogor - Jakarta Cianjur or bus - Peak - Bandung and have dropped in Cipanas market. Cipanas continued to ride public transportation - Mariwati passing through Taman Bunga Nusantara.
From Gurgaon to Taman Bunga Nusantara
The bus ride majors Depok - Sukabumi down at the intersection Ciawi - Jagorawi rose elf Bogor - Cianjur or bus majors Jakarta - Puncak - Bandung or it could be that to Garut and Tasik, then ask down at Cipanas market. Cipanas forwarded to ride public transportation - Mariwati and dropped off right at Taman Bunga Nusantara.

Map location of Taman Bunga Nusantara

     The construction of this park has been made since 1992 ago with the main goal was to create a garden that becomes an asset of the archipelago and international scale. The park is visited by many people from various backgrounds, especially those who do have a high concern for preserving plants. Any flower garden has become an area of ​​interest visited by the painter, photographer or cinematographer who usually make this park as an open studio because so berdekatannya with the natural surroundings.

     Until now, Taman Bunga Nusantara has been visited by more than 5,900,403 people from 1995 until last year. The dominance of the majority of tourists who visit here from domestic sources (96%), the Middle East as much as 2%, 1% Aisa region and also from the Americas and Europe 1%. For completeness of this archipelago Fruit Garden campaign manager has prepared a brochure with regard to this park in five languages​​, namely Indonesia, Chinese, English, Japanese and Arabic.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

gunung mas

    "Gunung Mas"
 Horse riding in the recreation park may be used, but if riding a horse in the middle stretch of green tea gardens and cool? That is just incredible! Want to try it with the kids? Let's visit to the region Agro Gunung Mas, Puncak, West Java.

     To find the location of Agro Gunung Mas is not difficult because of its position at the beginning of the row in the Peak perekebunan tea when we came from the direction of Gadog / Bogor. Staying requires little foresight to see the right side of the road, we will find an entrance marked "Gunung Mas" complete with a sculpture in the form of bottled tea drinks bottle on the left side of the entrance.

     If vacation in Gunung Mas, we will be presented with the typical atmosphere of a tea plantation. As long as the eye could see, what appears is green tea trees and mountain ranges.

     Who became prime tourist spot in Agro Gunung Mas is riding around the tea gardens and tea walk with sport with a guide. In addition to the fun activities before, we can also make a visit to a tea factory (with guides), overnight at the lodge and swimming in the pool Tirta Mas.

     To get full information about the type and tariff lodging, guides and route choice tea walk then came to the Tourist Information Center is located Gunung Mas tea factory dealing with PTPN VIII.

     If you want to riding in the middle of tea gardens, we can do it directly by going to the owners of horses that we can meet on the right side of the estate, not far from the gate ticket booth Gunung Mas.

     If we choose the Tea Walk, along with a special guide, we will be invited to walk leisurely around the area of ​​tea plantations with three route options: Route 4 km, 6 km and 8 km. During the walk, we can see directly how the tea plucked from the tree. Fun!

     Satisfied walk in the middle of tea gardens, visitors can go inside the factory and see how tea is made. In Gunung Mas tea factory, visitors can see how the tea is processed, from the leaves to become the type of tea in the packaging.

     Well, for visitors with children, do not miss the exciting experience of riding together across the expanse of tea plantations. Just like tea wak, there are 3 routes riding that we can choose, which is the 30-minute, 1 hour and 2 hours.

     The most widely chosen by visitors are the 30 minutes because we will be brought around the tea estates by 1 round. As for the first hour, we normally only be offered if there is a horse mother had just given birth and we are invited to visit baby horse in the stable.

     And for the second hour, although time consuming but the adventure was waiting for us to explore. We will be invited to ride a horse as he goes into the forest and ends at a waterfall while taking a break and then come back to continue the journey home. Our advice, especially for the latter option may be more suitable when the kids are a teenager and started to love the challenging adventure.

     Types of horse riding in Gunung Mas Travel is Sumbawa horse that has a high posture, and straight. According to the caregiver horse, has many children with special needs made ​​great progress after a routine on horseback while breathing fresh air of the mountains in Agro Gunung Mas.

     The horse caregivers also added, that while riding, children with special needs will "learn" to know the body language of the horse, trained strength of their hands when grasping the handle / strap saddle horse, especially when passing through the plantation land contour slightly steep uphill and downhill.

     It is true to say that riding is a sport, because we are automatically going to train the muscles of the hands and feet when our body tries to survive and maintain a balance in the saddle horse. This new we can feel the difference after 30 minutes of riding up and down the land.

     Well, if they want to experience the feel of the tea plantations longer, we can stay in a variety of types of accommodation which has been prepared by the manager of Agro Gunung Mas. Here are four types of accommodation ie rooms, bungalows, huts and houses of coconut wood.

     Detailed information about lodging in Gunung Mas, we can see here


#Seek Agro come to sunny weather and in the morning (the sky is still blue, not a lot of clouds and sun is not too hot).

#Fog usually begins to fall during towards the afternoon (at around 3-4 pm) and can go down at any time, especially the rainy season. Equestrian can still be done when the weather is foggy because the horse was the one that actually will guide caregivers to find a way of departing horses.

#Do not forget to bring a hat, warm clothes, a camera and a drink when Tea Walk or Horse.

#The cost to ride a horse is Rp.75.000, - / horse (domestic tourists) and Rp.125.000, - (foreigners). When you're lonely usually guides will directly go to our car when it is parked. Try to choose a suitable horse and the weight of our bodies that we do not torture a horse.

#Do not waste your entrance ticket we already bought, because these tickets can be exchanged for a bag teabag Walini the original product of this tea plantation. Look for booths bearing the name of this tea and exchange our tickets there, for free!

     So let's let a little effort to travel long distances in order to provide an unforgettable experience for our beloved children. Hopefully, by making them closer and love nature, in the future they will take care of it better than their previous generation.

     Dad, Mom also had the experience of recreation at Gunung Mas Tea Plantation? Let's share to us by clicking the "Write a Review" (reviews can only be registered as a Member ditukis after Mother gave Dad a review that would be very useful for other parents :)

Rates Agro Gunung Mas (recorded in 2012):

Rates Sign Vehicle:
Bus: Rp. 10.000, -
Small vehicles (Sedan / Jeep): Rp.7.500, -
Motor: Rp. 2,500, -
Equestrian rates (per 30 minutes): Rp. 75.000, - (domestic tourists) & Rp.125.000, - (foreign tourists

Rates Amenities Tea Walk:
Sign rates per person: Rp.6.000, -
Sign rates Student / learner: Rp.4.000, -
Sign rates Swimming Pool "Tirta Mas": 5,000, -
Rates Sign Factory: Rp.3.000, - (general), Rp.2.000, - (student / student), Rp. 7,500 (foreign tourists)
Factory Tour Rates: 20,000, - (general max. 20 people), 25.000, - (student / student max. 20 people), Rp. 40,000 (foreign tourists, max. 15 people)
Rates guides Tea Walk: Rp. 20.000 (4 km), 25.000, - (6 miles). 30,000, - (8 miles) and 35,000, - (10 km)
Special guide: Rp.60.000, -

Monday, October 27, 2014

Telaga Warna Puncak

" Telaga Warna Lake "

    WHAT nature enthusiast? Come North Tugu village, District Cisarua, Bogor Regency, then you will find a beautiful attraction, cool, and natural. His name Natural Park (TWA) Telaga Warna "Colour Lake". 
     Located at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level (asl), Telaga Warna is a pond / lake flanked by a hill which limits the Bogor Regency Cianjur Regency. The extent tolerable, about 1.5 acres, and surrounded the status of tropical forest conservation forest alias protected forest that is rich in big trees, shrubs, and wild animals. That's why the name of this location TWA Telaga Warna "Colour Lake". 
     A number of tourists who met Bogor Express at tourist sites generally say, they are happy to be a field trip to one of the leading tourist locations in the Peak area, because in addition to scenic, what is presented TWA Telaga Warna or lake color makes them feel refreshed after for days, even weeks and months, busy with routine work is relentless. 
     Because it is in a conservation forest environment, what's in the TWA Telaga Warna are well preserved, including the growth and proliferation of wild animals. So, if you're lucky, when you traveled to this location you will see monkeys Javan (Presbytis aygula), long-tailed monkey / ape gray (Macaca fascicularis) or monkey (prebytis cristata) hanging from one tree to another. Or you will see a leopard (Panthera tigris) and wild boar (sus Serova) being slipped from one thicket to thicket to another, or just see Javanese eagle in flight splitting the sky. 

Telaga Warna Nature Exotic Puncak in Bogor 
     The total area of ​​TWA Telaga Warna region was 6.5 hectares, consists of 5 hectares and 1.5 hectares of conservation lake. These tourist sites under the auspices of the Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) Bandung. Before you set as TWA, in 1927 by the government of the region defined as the first nature reserve forest area of Mount Mega Overcast and Ciawi. Then, in 1954, set to a Nature Reserve Colour Lake. Determination of this location as a TWA began when in 1981 Telaga Warna Nature Reserve area status was changed to natural tourism area (KWA) and later became TWA. 
     However, do not be disappointed. Although the location of this tour called TWA lake color, but the water is not at all colored telaganya same alias with water in general; clear and crisp. Then why is called Lake Colors? Dikdik Supaman, Bandung BKSDA officer, has the answer. 
He said, Telaga Warna ditumbuni hill surrounded with various plants and trees with stems, leaves and colorful flowers. Due to being on the edge of the lake, plants and trees that bounces on the water surface of the lake, so that it looks like water color by color of trees and plants that bounce. 

     "Well, it is sometimes misinterpreted reflections of visitors, because they thought the colors of trees and plants that are the color of the lake water. So this lake became known as Telaga Warna, "he explained. If you want to enjoy the beauty of this lake, take a boat or rubber raft is provided to surround him. Every single boat can accommodate 5-7 people. 

Telaga Warna Nature Exotic Puncak in Bogor 
     To be able to explore the forest conservation, you can do so in various ways, including by jogging along a track made ​​almost 1km through the woods around the lake. Even if you're brave, you can float above the lake with the game flying fox. The price of admission to the TWA lake color is very cheap, only Rp 2,000 / person. 
     "But be careful with your food supplies or, for long-tailed monkeys often come down from the forest and the pleasure of taking food brought visitors," Nur Hidayat, an officer of TWA lake color, reminiscent. 
     There are restrictions that should not be violated by the visitors TWA lake color if they want to stay safe and comfortable when traveling. What is it? "Do not take animals, plants or fish in the lake for the sake of preserving our forests" said Nur Hidayat. 
     Well, you are interested to come to the TWA lake color? Bogor express recommend, if you want to get maximum pleasure when traveling to this location, come in the morning, because in addition to the atmosphere at the TWA is still cold, and the air was really fresh. In addition, when the morning sun rays touch the surface of the lake water, the light flicker effect, such as diamonds or pearls kemerlap under the bright light. It's beautiful. Especially because at the same time, forest birds singing bersahut-replication while perched on the branches of trees. 
     To get this sensation, if your home is very far from TWA lake color, you can stay at the hotel first scattered along the peak. After that, before sunrise, immediately rushed to the TWA, and enjoy the one experience that you've probably never experienced before. Or you can also spend the night in the TWA by sleeping in tents provided by the manager. 

Various myths 
     Like many locations in Indonesia, Lake Colors supposedly also has a story of myth. According to stories circulating in the community around Lake Colors, on the lake there is a pair of fish named Si and Si Tihul Earrings. For anyone who can see the appearance of this fish, then all the ideals and wishes will come true. 
"But that's just a myth, does not have to be true, 'said Nur Hidayat. 
Another myth is that anyone bathing in Lake Colors will lightly mate, a lot of luck, and younger, provided that after showering, underwear left. So, do not be surprised if you're into TWA Colour Lake, you will find so many panties and bras hanging from the branches of trees as the myth it is believed many people, including people from outside Bogor, so many visitors TWA lake color that did not come to enjoy the panoramic beauty and cool air, but to undergo a ritual bath in telaganya. And more wretched, long-tailed monkeys who like to "grab" food diners, also interested in the underwear of the visitors who left after a ritual bath. However, as the underwear-underwear was not edible, they throw it again, and lodged in the branches of trees. 
     Tedja Cahya Kusuma, environmentalists Peak area, explains, before a tourist attraction, Lake Colors is one of the dirtiest pond in Bogor since the lake was full of overgrown aquatic plants that grow wild. 
     "By the TWA workers, lake cleaned up to be seelok today," he said. 
If you have traveled on TWA satisfied and wanted to go home, come first in the stalls vending souvenirs and souvenir near the entrance. Here you can buy fresh vegetables at a low price, fruits, and various handicrafts. 

     One thing potential visitors sometimes complained of TWA lake color is difficult to find the entrance because of the location of this tour is about 300 meters from the edge of the Peak Highway. For visitors who drive, the main entrance through the portal at the top of Restaurant Melrimba. There was a guard who will give a ticket to the tourist area. After that down the cobblestone streets for about 5-10 minutes. After that the vehicle can be parked in the parking area at a cost of Rp7,500 lake color for four-wheeled vehicles, aka the car. 
So far visitors TWA dominated Telaga Warna and domestic tourists from the Middle East. 


Masjid Ata awun

" Atta Awuwun " Mosque
     One more reference religious tourism in Puncak, Bogor which give different nuances that Atta'awun Mouque. Location Atta'awun mosque is in Puncak, Bogor. If we pass through Jl. Raya Bogor and Bogor Puncak Pass right then we will see the mosque once stood a Great nan Beautiful, that Atta'awun Mosque.

     Indeed, a walk to Puncak, Bogor is a good choice for a visit for the fresh mountain air is also coupled with a beautiful view of the peak. The view is identical to the peaks of the mountains and tea gardens beautiful.

     Feast for the eyes with a view of green and blue, and create a fresh mind. Puncak Bogor is a great place for refreshing.

     So no wonder, Puncak Bogor always surrounded by tourists both local and overseas.

     For me, visiting mosques Atta'awun Puncak, Bogor has the distinct impression, like Nostalgia! Why not, in 2012 I traning in Cisarua Bogor and confusion come when I like to go alone to Bogor and the Puncak      Pass stopped at Majid Attawun. The Great Mosque and charming.

     Mosque Atta'awun highly visited by tourists, especially weekend. Travelers mostly pictures or just see the sights around the peak. Indeed, the location of the mosque is surrounded by scenic Atta'awun make it have its own nuances.

     Atta'awun mosque has a beautiful design because it consists of a large dome. Around the mosque there Atta'awun fish pond filled with koi and ornamental fish behind the mosque there is a Jurug Atta'awun (waterfall) Atta'awun.

     To enter this mosque then we have to climb the stairs. But do not worry because the ladder that we climb a few stairs only and will not make us tired. To memmasuki mosque itself then it must first be washed away and it provided custody services for shoes / sandals in the mosque, and not pay. For those who want berinfak / charity may provide seikhlas heart.

     In the area there is a foundation Atta'awun mosque that deliver services to the rituals of Hajj. And pengunjunga may also sit around the mosque provided it's not noisy. For the concept of a wudhunya ablution then separated and indulge a very unique wudhunya made ​​of rocks. For women, the prayer was on the 2nd floor of the mosque Atta'awun, and for men on the floor of the mosque Atta'awun.

     I and Dabo bernostalgi and when we get there by chance rain came. Not Bogor name if it did not rain, so he said: D

     With capitalize umbrella and a pocket camera, and then we also perpetuate Atta'awun photo in front of the mosque.

     Apparently in addition to us, some visitors relax. In addition to views of the tea garden, around the mosque Atta'awun we can see the market to buy souvenirs.

     To go to Puncak Bogor is quite easy and from my experience, the alternative can climb to the summit of the Bogor train to Bogor goals by paying Rp9000 to com line, pie from the train station and headed to the station to pay Rp3000 Baranansiang Bogor and can climb out of the car Baransiang color L300 white with a major peak and pay Rp15000.

How Good bloggers, have you to the top and stopped to Atta'awun Mosque?

air terjun cibeureum

Waterfall "Cibereum" 

     Tourist attractions close of jakarta? Maybe you should consider one of the waterfalls in the area of ​​the National Park Gede Panggrango (GPNP). 

"Cibereum waterfalls"
     Waterfall Cibereum name. This waterfall can be reached through the national park gate Cibodas. 

     Named Cibeureum because supposedly the first water supplies to be red. Ci (Sunda, meaning water) and Beureum (Sunda, meaning red). In addition to this myth, the red colored water, there is also another myth that is believed in the existence of a hermit who was doing a ritual behavior (ascetic). Cibereum waterfall consists of three waterfalls and is located on a fairly steep cliff edge. The smallest named Cibeureum, but then the second highest waterfall named Cidendeng and the largest but the most short named Cikundul. 

Trip to take this waterfall does not take a long time. Jakarta-Bogor-Cibodas takes about 3 hours (± 100 km) using ground transportation. The trip was really fun. Conditions peaks smooth highway. And expanse of tea gardens are a delightful sight. 
" Cibeureum Waterfall "
     To reach this waterfall looks like we need a little exercise. Because of the entrance gate GPNP we had to walk 2.8 km to be able to see this waterfall. The journey was again fun. Why? Since we will be presented the beautiful atmosphere of forest green. With O2 fresh air, sounds of birds. and the natural sounds of the forest. 
     For information on the National Park of Mount Gede-Pangrango is famous for its variety of birds as many as 251 types of 450 species found in Java. Some types of rare birds including eagles, namely Java (Spizaetus bartelsi) and owls (Otus angelinae). 
     The road to the waterfall which is intended for this tour had been in the renovation. Roads that were previously filled with shrubs, as well as the slippery ground. Now it has become a street with stairs that are easy to pass, and even now it is made ​​of a wood bridge to facilitate the tourists. 
     On the way to the water we will see a blue lake. This lake has a water blue-green because of algae in this lake are making his life so blue. 
    On the wooden bridge scenery was really beautiful. High green grass as if we were in a meadow. view of the towering mountains and clear skies make us as if they are in the rest of the world. 
     The trip was quite tiring but fatigue was paid after we reach the attraction is the waterfall Cibereum. Thundering waterfalls. Dew bubbles gurgling water and the air was really cool. Refreshing all. Sat eating snacks and drinking hot coffee while enjoying the beautiful waterfalls. But it is not just relaxing alone, of course, we will not pass through photo-photo session with friends near us. With the background of a waterfall. As well as its green foliage. 
the heart was pleased, cheerful smiling face, that's the result of an adventure

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


     Tourism is the travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family business purposes, usually of a limited duration. Tourism is commonly associated with trans-national travel, but may also refer to travel to another location within the same country.The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.
In Indonesia

Definisi Pariwisata

     Pariwisata atau turisme adalah suatu perjalanan yang dilakukan untuk rekreasi atau liburan, dan juga persiapan yang dilakukan untuk aktivitas ini. Seorang wisatawan atau turis adalah seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan paling tidak sejauh 80 km (50 mil) dari rumahnya dengan tujuan rekreasi, merupakan definisi oleh Organisasi Pariwisata Dunia.
sedangkan Menurut Undang Undang No. 10/2009 tentang Kepariwisataan, yang dimaksud      dengan pariwisata adalah berbagai macam kegiatan wisata yang didukung oleh berbagai fasilitas serta layanan yang disediakan masyarakat, pengusaha, Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah.
in English